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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EST

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right now. a vote of uncertainty the second phase of egypt's beleaguered constitution referendum is set to kick off amid violent showdowns between its backers and opponents. russia moves a step closer to banning child adoptions by u.s. citizens who look at tragic cases of abuse for foster parents got away with surprisingly lenient punishments. and tired of choosing too often israeli voters say to add enough parliament chopping and changing on a whim we are asked to turn out yet again.
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it is not an in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie welcome to the program egypt is bracing for the second round of the referendum on the draft constitution which is polarizing the country and triggered bloody street battles and key saturday's vote on the islamist infused document which has already won the approval in the first leg was preceded by another a flash of anger live to cairo now a journalist felt flu well bell what are the sentiments you're hearing among people was it goes on through this referendum vote. well in the next hour we're going to see polling stations across seventeen government open on the second and final stage of the county to referendum yesterday this once again was in the back of the violence as we saw clashes in this in egypt's second city alexandria between those who are for the constitution those who are against the
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constitution this has been docked islam is staged a hundreds of thousands strong rally in support of the constitution and the implementation of sharia law the two sides hold rocks at each other they cars and buses some saying these buses belong to the muslim brotherhood police intervened with tear gas leaving seventy seven injured so this obviously comes on to several instances of violence is in alexandria in cairo a few weeks ago in cairo and from the presidential palace rival groups clashed leaving ten dead in terms of people are saying here on the streets the country is divided those who are against the constitution say it would only enforce a presidential dictatorship that lacks a key social economic rights that was drafted by islamist dominated assembly for the constitution say it is essential for the progress towards democracy after the conditions drop so they say we will have parliamentary elections neither side seems to be backing down so we expect their own rests in the streets of egypt. on the
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first day job the referendum saw the majority supported the charter so what are the expectations for saturday's round them. in the first round of course the votes of people voted to fifty seven percent in favor of the constitution and this believe that this will be another yes votes this is largely because of the seventeen governorates voting today many of the rule are cultural places where the muslim brotherhood have quite a strong support base of the seventeen voting today only three voted against the president in the president or in the presidential elections leading many to believe that this will in fact be a yes vote the opposition forces for their part say that the only reason that was a yes vote in the first round was vote rigging rights groups did document several cases of electoral violations including unsupervised polling stations leaving both rights groups on the opposition forces to call for a rerun of the first round of the referendum saying is actually not in voids the issue judicial supervision remains a point of contention here of judges continue to boycott the referendum even to
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believe this could open it up to vote rigging really will just have to see the outcome of the results as they come in later on today in the early hours of tomorrow morning but definitely people expect by their own rest in the streets either way that both sides refused to back down. thanks very much indeed for the sub date cairo based reporter bel true there well whether this is the revolution second window or side effect of political transition with opinion and analysis on the latest on rest in egypt at r.t. dot com. now great banks are now lining up for bailout of their own dad by bad scheme brings the country's biggest banks to their knees and left with no choice but to bad for and another rescue. and rock obama makes his pick for the next secretary of state with hopes that john kerry could be the one to tell them down america's
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military mine of foreign policy. every direction and rank and a five hundred dollar a pay cut that's why it will cost a u.s. marine sergeant for at this a great ng the bodies of dead taliban soldiers he was found guilty of year in aiding on them and posing with their corpses retired u.s. colonel and diplomat and wright says the people of afghanistan feel a lot of anger over american troops behavior oh i was in afghanistan last week and i talked to a lot of people in afghanistan and they are very. they are outraged about these things that are you have smaller terry people have been doing to them the brutal slaughter of people i mean over and above that where you have sergeant bales' that has. killed sixteen afghans you have this incident of the u.s. military personnel all marines urinating on the the bodies. taleban you have the
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issue of the koran being burned on a military base so afghans are very upset about what the u.s. military is doing here president obama has nominated founder john kerry as a candidate for the job of the usa stop diplomat vietnam veteran an anti-war activist could take over from hillary clinton who promised to stand down next year ivan eland defense analyst and senior fellow at the end of an institute believes kerry can temper down washington's foreign policy. i think he's actually a better choice than susan rice i think he will be more restrained in advocating u.s. military intervention since he was a vietnam war veteran now he's been for some wars but he been overall i think he's been a restraining influence on the on the u.s.s. chairman of the foreign relations committee and of course he has a lot of experience is combat experience in vietnam and many of the people who were
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in vietnam who john mccain is the ex of the big exception are more restrained in their foreign policy they're not as excited to see to send u.s. service men and women into harm's way and i think that that's probably a good thing at this stage deadlock over a data and spending is seeing the united states hurtle towards a fiscal cliff trigger widespread tax rises and government cuts on new year's day tackled a fast approaching deadline congress members have gone on holiday or harvard has been out to find anyone who thinks they deserve a break. as many hard working americans look forward to taking a break from the grind so does congress did they deserve
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a holiday this week let's talk about that we're talking today about congress because they're that take their break right now you're already rolling your eyes i've only just said the word awful it's awful what you can do they don't do anything and they're taking a break well yeah because that's what they do they don't do anything and they're going to do you think that they have been working hard enough to deserve a holiday never and i won't say anymore because it'll be a bad word of those going to go out and kick the can down the road a little bit for the next year yeah and nothing's going to change something may change with who's going to want to know about the deal of the next year so you work more than one hundred forty days a year so everyone deserves some time off the extent of it that's another story so yeah i do think they should get a break but with the fiscal cliff being what it is they should probably work through the holidays which do you think that they know what the answer is and they're just kind of posturing because you know republicans have to say that they're not going to raise taxes democrats have to say they're not going to make cuts but at the end of the day they're going to compromise absolutely they have to
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so what with this posturing bad enough of that why don't they just get real. i think part of politics is being reelected and so the politicians need to seem to their constituents. loyal and sometimes beyond reasonable bounds are we that stupid . some people are what's the answer. i think the answer is is is more more public scrutiny of their performance or public involvement in the in the process and does that involve more intelligence public to get involved to a better informed public and a public that is is paying closer attention to what these people are doing so maybe a media that's less bought by corporate interests that keep feeding into the political reality that would be helped the bottom line is no that congress did not deserve a holiday but they probably are going to enjoy more vacation then we commoners could ever imagine so just remember that if you take your measly vacation this year
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every holiday. welcome back you're watching r t live from moscow now israelis are expected to trudge back to the polling stations again next month in a parliamentary election that's happening earlier than planned and government has survived a full term in office for decades as follows leo reports voting if he gets run. call us money as you know him but in my political career i was minister of regional cooperation minister of agriculture minister of housing and construction minister of immigrant and his option and minister of justice even held this post civil tenuously it doesn't mean i'm talented it just shows that the system is so messed up be toyed. it's
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a system that's been in place since the founding of the state sixty four years ago it's seen thirty four governments in sixty four years that's a new israeli government almost every two years and a new minister just as often in the last twenty years there have been twenty interior ministers fourteen foreign ministers and fifteen justice ministers and now more and more israelis are saying enough and joining a movement to change the political system as. a young citizen ghost elections so many times you starts to lose the sense that this is a democracy not been nothing of the past ten years voter turnout has decreased from eighty to sixty four percent where the. kirillov's eventually was it was. but reforming the system is unpopular and has created controversy this online campaign by local celebrities shows that whenever someone tries to talk about it they're interrupted. him
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a pretty much it's not prime minister says he must call for elections because he can't pass the budget he's scared that his coalition members may bring down his government and we will act as if. we really say there's no problem with our system . critics say israel's multi-party system gives too much power to smaller parties. we're going to share more of the system here weakens the political center and gives a lot of power to the sick to all parties ultra-orthodox culture reuters right wing extremists and so on and in fact the soon to be becomes a hostage to these marginal groups there is no democracy there's crissy the minority rule with a majority what. another problem is that because government ministers change so often they can't plan. today a minister in the state of israel serves for an average of one year until he understands the position and creates
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a vision and the long term planning he's no longer there. what many of these people want is a complete overhaul of the system with parliamentary elections slated for the mixture israelis are bound to see yet another round of deal making between parties who make up the next coalition but they tolerance is running thin with latest figures suggesting more than half the population is unhappy with his government's performance points here r.t. tel aviv. of all the world defining images of the year there is one that's captured people's spirit war and then any other gangnam style has become the first video to notch up over a billion hits on you tube as we explain aligned appraise could also find itself in a dictionary along with other new words such as romney shambles. and single handed sale wangle off from the late singer michael jackson has gone for a record prize at auction find out just how much it's worth on r.t.
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dr. marshall would be soon which brightened if you normally bounce phone from phones to freshen some. news from start on t.v. dot com. it is due to. leave. its.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the telephone. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much cause or for a no holds barred look at. the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r t. well including. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow russia the lower house of parliament has passed a bill banning all adoptions of russian children by americans it's part of a larger document aimed at preventing human rights abuses of russians abroad then it should count looks at the cases which raised the alarm with lawmakers. the adoption agreement that russia and the u.s. cited in one of them where it was designed to provide mechanisms for oversight for russian children adopted by american families but moscow claims it is still being met with obstacles when it attempts to inquire an adopted children stored there are so many lies about the real conditions of children adopted by u.s. parents we have no idea what's really going on the united states does not do follow ups once an adoption is finalized once the adoption is finalized the child
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is considered the same as if you were born into that family one thousand russian children have died in the hands of their adoptive parents in the us in recent years were there is untold numbers of children that are. enduring abuses that haven't been reported that haven't resulted in their deaths that are just surviving the case of matia allen who was adopted from russia. and she was placed in the home of a pet a file she was discovered because of a a child pornography sting and she told. reporters and such that she waited every day and kept praying and believing that somehow the adoption agent. place sure there would come back in a shack on her would even telephone and ask her how things were doing and she would have been able to tell them but nobody ever came to check on her much of the fury
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in moscow over the brutal treatment of adopted russian children has been driven by the leniency american judges of showing towards a number of abusers the adoptive father of two year old jimmy jakob was acquitted i think about the boy his car for nine hours the toddler died of heat stroke the parents of russian born with annual craver have been released on bail after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. the quavers have dodged a murder sentence even though investigators discovered that the child had suffered repeated beatings from his adoptive parents which left him with over eighty bruises and injuries of which twenty were to his head judges of also show leniency in cases of abuse which did not result in the death of the child jessica beagley was the probation officer went on a popular t.v. show and bragged of how she disciplined her adopted russian child by systematically cramming hot sauce into his mouth and putting him on the cold shower russian officials say they were denied any access to another or some form of symbiotes who
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was allegedly abused by his car repairs according to florida credit that the cases of abuse so prompt with reaction from russia proper to progress at a time when the adoption rate in russia itself is low the situation around us adoption seems even more dire us accounts for around this third of all boring adoption. and there are hundreds of successful cases each year the latest development has over whether that good word can continue the argument that if there's the flight is chance for an orphan to find a happy home they should be given that chance is on doubted but just as indisputable seems the argument that there has to be more oversight over the well being of these children because with the way things are now dozens of adoptive children could be subject to abuse right at this moment and we may never find out in washington i'm going to check on. britain's resurgence euro skepticism is now even getting the us little worried washington's afraid of losing its influential
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ally in the european union and is even warning of consequences if the u.k. leaves the bloc but political analyst robert oulds says it's britain's business alone. you know people in britain really will make their own minds up about a future we don't need what to don't need to be told what to do by someone from another country be that the united states or or still the president of the european commission for that matter really put president obama needs to understand is that the european union is actually damaging for europe it's actually undermining the economy of different member states many member states are suffering a very harshly as a result of these economic policies policies which he has thought believe objective and he wouldn't like to be told how to manage his economy by an unaccountable bureaucracy like other countries in europe countries in the eurozone are being told how to manage their own affairs having to think over forced upon them so really he needs to perhaps learn a little bit more about the undemocratic nature of the european union before
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commenting all of four of greece's largest banks are queuing up for bailouts after posting huge losses this year the reason could be their own government for land hits during a stay down my back scheme grated on his dimitris it all leaves the country in even worse shape. it's not the banks that have failed it's. the economic situation that was created that has decimated the greek banking sector which was much more one of the most resilient. in europe it was not a never exposed to toxic instruments strengthening fine but. we had forty thousand small businesses closing closing these student loans and. unemployment rate of twenty six percent so we
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have really on the one hand or straight into you on the other hand bank inability to. provide life we do for them are. after thirteen months in office italy's stopgap prime minister has resigned have early elections in feb mar you mind his decision is in line with a promise to step down after next year's budget was passed it became head of italy's technocratic government at the height of the european debt crisis a year ago following the resignation of silvio berlusconi monti says he's lost the backing he needs to do the job after berlusconi's party withdrew its support some known whether monti will run again but those county has put himself forward for the post he's already held three times in the boarded up with. delays long running street battles over education reform have seen more trouble in the capital hundreds of students have again clashed with police in what's been more than a year and a half of progress leaders of the movement say they are fed up with low standards
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at private universities the students want to major victory two days ago when chile's justice minister ties to one of the colleges was forced to resign over a corruption scandal there. a space capsule carrying three astronauts has successfully docked with the international space station it took two days for the craft to make it into position four hundred and ten kilometers above the earth the russian canadian and american crew have joined up with three others already at the station where they'll stay until march the rocket blasted off on wednesday from the baikonur cosmodrome in cas stadium. well it's almost christmas time of celebration joy and a manny places holiday shopping adele rush out there just yet chances are whatever you buy will end up trashed in just a few days artist polly boyko explains. most of us know the problem for someone
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celebrating after the twentieth christmas buying a present can be perplexing there's nothing they need or don't own already to the invention of your humorous christmas present for example the christmas jumper what happens to these presents the day off for christmas when most of them end up in the midst of it in fact just one percent of the materials flowing through our consumer economy especially and you six months after they've been paid for i could get the does it go on the office who's a little bit slow with computers is not very high tech savvy so i go to my mug which says i love computers. what was that and. have really you just bought some junk for christmas think i'm i've just bought some junk for christmas and a very present day on boxing day it's nice you have three christmas presents away oh look we just came from australia and so we had a christmas before we came and so over stuff all the crap that we got given was.
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straight into the bin junk for christmas no this present sometimes yes you carry them away after christmas absolutely not what you do with them i'm usually. give them to my sister but those who are worried about the status of the planet say that the problem nowadays is that a lot of the items on sale don't have any purpose whatsoever they designed to squeeze a lockbox in the recipient and then the bend on boxing day so this year feel free to forget some buy a present or two you'll be saving the environment while you're on set. well many didn't believe today would ever come as the mining town there are ran out of time not that it stopped a few people from making a few dollars do mongar and more after bringing.
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sigrid laboratory was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot fortunately. in about anything tim's mission to teach me. about humans
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and. this is why you should. only. be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on the. reporting from the world talks about seventy ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see then try. to find out more because it.
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one afternoon on the shores of the ocean blue. one of those days when it feels good to be alive on the planet earth. carefree humanity. maybe unthinking humanity even . a few kilometers away a man has given us an appointment on a mountain summit. a place in keeping with what anatole calls his work. he's been devoting all his time and energy to it for the last six years now. this former computer expert even quit his job to get ready for it for the end of the world. and the work i do will take me out of body i will ask to meet those superior beings who hold the keys for humanity already clear that he went to talk to them. to see
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what can be done for two thousand and twelve ordered. by telepathic trip to get him into contact with mysterious superior beings beings who have announced to him the destruction of the planet on december the twenty first two thousand and twelve very precisely. it will be by fire volcanoes earthquakes and most importantly of course by water floods of comedy as the plates will shift rise and lower the ocean bottom will lift and what will appear is atlantis when atlantis rises out of the waters that there will be when the world ends she office two thousand and twelve is a giant plan for i could use a mean word but purifying for me that's what it is. purifying water conscience if you're good or not and it's a rite of passage anatole is convinced that he will be among the survivors.


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